The new LORIX OS release candidate is ready for testing!
The needs of the Internet of Things, and LoRa® in particular, have continued to grow this year. As a result, we have seen a growing need for a LoRa® infrastructure that is easy to deploy, robust and future-proof.
To help you in your projects, we have worked hard this year to provide you a brand-new software solution for the LORIX One. An intuitive, versatile, stable, secure and fully customizable software that will help you connect your objects, grow your network and complete your solutions.
After having concentrated a lot of effort in the last few months in this accomplishment, we are pleased to announce the very first release of LORIX OS!
We want to create a software that suits you perfectly, that’s why we are always open to your feedback and have decided to release this version as a release candidate. We are happy to take your feedback and suggestions into account. This also means that some features may be improved in the near future and we advise you to keep this version out of production for the time being.
As every user is different, we have tried to satisfy three main profiles, each of them having particular needs and requirements:
INTUITIVE The standard usage of the system has been designed to be as easy as possible. Thanks to the new reactive web interface, it is easy to configure, monitor and manage your gateway in a simple and convenient way.
INTEGRABLE The structure, tools and documentation of this new solution are designed and built to help integrators to make the gateway part of their solution in a reliable and lasting way. Powerful tools like the REST API bring new possibilities like batch programming and management.
CUSTOMIZABLE The open and standardized build system based on Yocto permits customization on all aspects and levels to fit your particular needs.
This first public release includes already the following features:
- Reactive and intuitive web interface compatible with PC, smartphone and tablet
- Command line interface equivalent if it’s your preferred taste
- Simple choice of the LoRa® forwarder among:
- Wifx packet-forwarder based on the Semtech packet-forwarder
- ChirpStack Gateway Bridge
- LORIOT packet-forwarder
- Management and monitoring of the forwarder to ensure maximum uptime
- Secure and reliable remote system update
- Performance diagnostic and anomaly tracking tools
- Easy and secured integration and automation through the HTTP REST API
- Complete access of the system and underlying tools
- Standard and recognized embedded tools
- Complete ARM® toolchain to compile new or custom applications
- Fully open and customizable build-system to generate your own system image
- Ability to integrate your own applications and tools into the final image to create custom gateways
- Smart architecture based on Yocto that allows you to maintain your system for the long-term without waste of time
With a key focus on the intuitive aspect, more documentation and information concerning integration and customization will be published along the future releases.
In addition to proposed visible features, this new system contains now all the bricks and tools to make it evolutive, we are jumping one step forward and will continue to improve and complete it based on your feedbacks!
We also take advantage of this announcement to present you our new documentation platform which has been improved and is more complete than the previous one: https://iot.wifx.net/docs.
You can find there all the information to start using the new software solution.
In case of question, improvement suggestion or issue, feel free to contact us using our contact form or our support portal (registration required)