Secured connections with The Things Network v3 stack
Nowadays, security is one of the core concerns for many IoT infrastructures. Real world data that comes out of monitoring is often sensitive and either a steal or a loss of data can be a huge problem.
LoRaWAN takes care of keeping the data private with its encrypted layers. But a security chain is only as secure as its weakest link, which is why security of your gateway is very important. At Wifx, we put a lot of effort into providing a secure firmware with up to date and secure applications.
One important thing you have to manage when setting up the gateway, is to ensure the gateway connects in a secured and reliable way to the server. While this could be done with some forwarders and servers for a while now, it was not the case for the previous v2 stack of The Things Network community version. With the migration of The Things Network to its new v3 stack, you can now officially connect your LORIX One to the community in a secured and in a reliable way, using the Basic Station. The Basic Station uses a TCP connection and a reliable reconnection procedure that will ensure fast recovery of the server connection. It also provides both server and client authentication capabilities, to make sure no one impersonate your gateways or the server, and an encrypted communication channel, to ensure even the most basic network information doesn’t fall into adversaries’ hand.
We recommend using to the Basic Station as you migrate your gateways to the v3 stack to improve the service you provide to the community through your contribution. You can find out more information on how to do that easily using the LORIX Manager in our dedicated page in the documentation.

We wish you a happy migration!