There are many things that you can configure on your gateway, but generally you will only have to change a few things from the default configuration to have a ready to use platform.

The essential configuration points are:

  • Configure the network interface
  • Set the time zone
  • Select and configure a forwarder

Configure the network interface

In the Connect to the gateway page of the guide you learned how to reach the gateway. You can now setup a correct network configuration so that you can ensure future remote connections to the gateway.

Please jump to the Ethernet interface configuration page for the details.

Set the time zone

To ensure your logs are correctly timestamped from the beginning, set the correct timezone in the Regional configuration.

Select and configure a forwarder

Because there are so many various needs behind the LORIX One usage, there is no default LoRaWAN packets forwarder enabled. To setup a packet forwarder, go through the LoRaWAN chapter of this guide.