You can open a remote shell session in terminal from the Manager GUI.

Click on the terminal button on the right-hand side of the Manager GUI toolbar:

This will open the Terminal window:

  1. Terminal
  2. Enables clipboard shortcuts (only available through https)
  3. Send a interrupt signal (SIGINT) (only visible when clipboard shortcuts are enabled, otherwise ctrl-c sends the SIGINT)
  4. Opens a dialog to paste text into the terminal
  5. Terminates the session
  6. Hide the dialog. Clicking on the terminal button in the toolbar will reopen the current session.

Disable the terminal

For security resons, the remote GIU terminal can be disabled.

Open the preference page from the top right "three dots" menu.

Click on the "Disable" button.

You will not be able to restore the remote GUI terminal from the GUI. On will have to connect through SSH to restore it.

Disable the remote GUI terminal

sudo manager system terminal disable
sudo rc-service managerd restart

Enable the terminal

Disable the remote GUI terminal

sudo manager system terminal enable
sudo rc-service managerd restart

You cannot enable the remote GUI terminal from the GUI.