The gateway will announce itself through the mDNS protocol (aka Zeroconf, Bonjour) with its default hostname on the `.local` domain.

The default hostname is composed of the prefix lorix-one- and the last 6 characters of the MAC address lowercaselorix-one-xxxxxx . This means that you can reach your gateway with the domain name lorix-one-xxxxxx.local


The gateway MAC address shown on the sticker is FC:C2:3D:AA:BB:CC
The hostname is therefore lorix-one-aabbcc

You can reach the gateway at lorix-one-aabbcc.local  (e.g. ping lorix-one-aabbcc.local)


To contact the gateway through mDNS, your network must support this feature (with IGMP snooping disabled) and you must be on the same sub-network than the gateway.