ChirpStack Gateway Bridge is a service which converts LoRa® Packet Forwarder protocols into a ChirpStack Network Server common data-format (JSON and Protobuf). This component is part of the ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server stack.

You will find additional information about the Bridge directly on the official ChirpStack documentation

The Bridge can run either on the gateway directly or on the infrastructure server side. The LORIX One is shipped with the Bridge.

Available backends

The Bridge back-end is a Packet Forwarder running on the gateway. The Bridge is compatible with two Bridges:

  • Semtech Packet Forwarder
  • Basic Station Packet Forwarder

On the LORIX One, the Bridge is used in combination with the UDP Packet Forwarder, who is based on the Semtech Packet Forwarder.


The Antenna type must be set before configuring the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge

Bridge configuration

The bridge configuration is located at /etc/opt/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml.

Please refer to the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge Configuration documentation for additional information about the options.

Use a certificate

If you want to use a certificate to secure the connection, you can do it through the command line interface.

  1. Copy your certificates to /etc/opt/chirpstack-gateway-bridge
  2. Update the bridge configuration and set the path to the certificate. Use absolute paths.

Forwarder configuration

Please refer to the UDP Packet Forwarder documentation.