Increase log level

If you need to see additional details about the Basic Station, you can increase the log verbosity by editing the Basic Station configuration file.

The used configuration file depends on the frequency range and the antenna gain configuration, it's located at:


For an 868 MHz gateway with a 2dbi antenna, it will be:


Edit this file and replace the log_level value with "DEBUG" or "XDEBUG":

  "station_conf": {
    "log_file": "stderr",  /* If you log to a file, it will not be available in the Manager anymore */
  "radio_conf": {

If you set a verbosity of "INFO" or less verbose (NOTICE, WARNING, ...), the packet log will not be available anymore.

A higher verbosity will make old messages unavailable earlier, so do not forget to restore the settings.

Connection errors

Bad address (does not exist)


[AIO:ERRO] [-1] WS connect failed: NET - Failed to get an IP address for the given hostname
[TCE:ERRO] TC connect failed - URI: wss://


The Basic Station cannot find the IP for the given hostname, and therefore it cannot connect.

  1. The hostname is not registered in the DNS
  2. The DNS use for name resolution is not accessible


  1. Unknown hostname
    1. Check the URL for typos
    2. Ensure the hostname is registered in the DNS by pinging from another device
  2. Unreachable DNS
    1. Check if the gateway has access to the DNS network (or to the Internet)
    2. Ensure the gateway has a DNS server configured (e.g. from the DHCP) and the DNS is reachable


Set the IP address directly as the server address.

Bad address / server certificate issue


[TCE:INFO] Connecting to INFOS: wss://
[AIO:INFO] TLS server certificate verification failed: The certificate Common Name (CN) does not match with the expected CN


The authentication certificate given by the server does not match the configured certificate. Either because:

  1. A wrong server is configured (either address or port)
  2. A wrong certificate is configured


  1. Wrong server
    1. Update the URL with the correct address
    2. Update the port to the correct one
  2. Wrong certificate
    1. Ask the server provider the correct certificate


Use an unsecured connection (without server authentication).

Bad address (no LNS server)


[TCE:INFO] Connecting to INFOS: wss://
[AIO:ERRO] [3] WS upgrade failed with HTTP status code: 301


The servers is reachable but it's not running a LNS service:

  1. A wrong server is configured
  2. The LNS service is not running


  1. Wrong server
    1. Update the URL with the correct address
    2. Update the port to the correct one
    3. Ensure the network redirects you to the correct server (e.g. no company proxy redirection)
  2. LNS service not running
    1. Contact the server/service provider

Successful connection to the server

[TCE:INFO] Connecting to INFOS: wss://
[TCE:INFO] Infos: fcc2:3dff:fe0b:abab muxs-::0 wss://

Packets logs

Uplink packet received

Join request

[S2E:VERB] RX 868.5MHz DR0 SF12/BW125 snr=8.0 rssi=-16 xtime=0x8000003CB3EEC - jreq MHdr=00 JoinEui=7665:6761:7473:3132 DevEui=3239:3434:6638:700d DevNonce=55639 MIC=2046627856

Data (unconfirmed)

[S2E:VERB] RX 867.1MHz DR1 SF11/BW125 snr=-12.5 rssi=-111 xtime=0xF8005FDEE2C15C - updf mhdr=40 DevAddr=09B6A738 FCtrl=00 FCnt=15 FOpts=[] 0207E02D..173D mic=2062729402 (27 bytes)

Other messages

Time sync / clock drift

Some time synchronization / clock drift messages may show up:

[SYN:ERRO] Repeated excessive clock drifts between MCU/SX130X#0 (105 retries): 1615.4ppm (threshold 100.0ppm)
[SYN:VERB] Time sync rejected: quality=252 threshold=216

This is because the time flow of the MCU (CPU) and the SX1301 (LoRa chip) are slightly drifting and the Basic Station does monitor it. This typically happens when the gateway was restarted or is recovering networking as it's syncing its time with the NTP servers. To avoid a jump in time, the time flow goes slightly faster on slower on the gateway to align with the time specified by the NTP server. You will typically see the "quality" number going down (less drift), until it passes below the threshold and is not reported anymore. This means the shift is being lower as it's reaching it's synchronization point. If the shift is very high, they may be reported as errors.

You don't have to do anything related to theses messages as good MCU/SX1301 clock synchronization is not a strict requirement for Station to function properly. However, frequent occurrence of these messages in normal operation for a long period of time (multiple messages every hour for multiple days) is an indication that something is probably malfunctioning. Try to change your NTP server or contact the support.